History and Tradition
A legacy over 800 years old: Feira de Santos is one of the oldest in Galicia. It dates back to the 13th century and is still alive thanks to its importance as a commercial and cultural engine.
Welcome to Feira de Santos, a historic city that has filled Monterroso with life for more than eight centuries. From its origins as a commercial meeting to becoming a unique cultural and social event, the Feira de Santos is much more than just a fair: it is a celebration of our tradition, our countryside and our people. Every year, thousands of visitors come together to enjoy a magnificent environment that only Monterroso can offer.
A legacy over 800 years old: Feira de Santos is one of the oldest in Galicia. It dates back to the 13th century and is still alive thanks to its importance as a commercial and cultural engine.
The biggest market in Galicia: More than 20,000 visitors each year and traders from all over Galicia and Spain. Going to crafts, it's the perfect place to enjoy it at all.
The biggest market in Galicia: More than 20,000 visitors each year and traders from all over Galicia and Spain. Going to crafts, it's the perfect place to enjoy it at all.
A family day: The fair is an event for all ages, with a welcoming and safe environment for adults and children. You are sure to enjoy an atmosphere full of celebration and culture.
Considerada popularmente como la feria de las ferias, no en vano su origen se remonta al medievo, el municipio de Monterroso, en Lugo, celebra de
El 1 de noviembre es uno de los días más señalados del año. Esta fecha cargada de tradición y emociones, tras celebrar la mágica y
Este martes 1 de novembro Monterroso acolle, como é tradición, a súa Feira de Santos, un evento que se vén celebrando na vila lucense dende